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New Name, New Blog

Hi, Everyone!  I have decided to undergo a name change.  For years I have been known as Skein and Hook.  When I first started crafting, I fell head over heels in love with crocheting.  I crocheted everyday, as much as I could for years. Over time, I also began to experiment with new crafts and my horizons began to expand.  I truly enjoy all is the basic element of creation that I am enamored with.  Today, my current favorites are embroidery, cross stitch, crochet, and my newest passion, quilting.  Since, I don't want the name- Skein and Hook- to limit me, I decided to make a change.  I will continue sharing all of my crafty journey under this new name. My old blog and existing free patterns will still be available here.  But as I come to update them and publish new ones, I'll be sharing at my new blog instead- . You can follow me on Instagram-  @jessicadayon - where I share everything that I'm ...
Recent posts

Moda Bake Shop: Oda May Summer Camp QAL

I am taking part in something so fun this summer and I'm really excited about it!  I hope you will join in on the fun! Some of the Moda Bake Shop chefs have come together and designed a really amazing quilt along.  The quilt along is a mystery quilt along and we are calling it a Choose Your Own Adventure quilt.  We are making a medallion quilt and every week during the quilt along we will release two patterns and you get to pick the one you like the best to make in your own quilt!  How fun is that?! Join our Facebook group: Moda Bake Shop Bakers to chat with other members and get inspired.  Also, on Instagram, tag all of you posts #chooseyourownadventureqal #campodamay #mbsqal I am going to be editing this post as we go so that you can find all of the posts that are associated with the quilt along.  Here's the list: Intro Post: Oda May's Summer Camp Fabric Requirements Sunday Social: Choose Your Own Adventure Round 1- Pat...

New Quilt Pattern: Fanlight Quilt

I'm so excited to share a new quilt pattern with you today!  I designed a new quilt pattern especially to showcase the line Feed Sacks: True Blue by Linzee Kull McCray for Moda Fabrics.  I loved this line so much and I really wanted to showcase the beautiful fabrics with larger squares so they really shined.   What first drew me to this line is the tag line for it.  It reads, " Imagine growing your own vegetables and canning them, cleaning and cooking without modern appliances, and sewing clothes for your seven children. Feed Sacks: True Blue pays homage to the women who did all that and still took the time to stitch rickrack on a dishtowel, embroider a sweet bunny on the bodice of a babyā€™s romper, and use up every last scrap to create a quilt of warmth and beauty."  It really inspires me šŸ’™šŸ’™šŸ’™ I do think this pattern would look beautiful with any fabric!  I want to make a few more in different lines.  It is especially great to showcase ...

Fat Quarter Shop Quilt Along: Snowballs Quilt

I had the pleasure of quilting along Fat Quarter Shop in their Snowballs Quilt Along.  The quilt pattern is called  Snowballs Quilt . For my fabric in this quilt, I chose Chicken Scratch by Kaye England .  This fabric is so beautiful and I am so happy I chose it!  I almost always choose white or off-white for my quilt backgrounds but this time I decided to use Mustard (Bella Solids 9900 213 to be exact).  This mustard is just perfect and I so love the way it looks as the background in this quilt! I had a lot of fun making this quilt!  And, I am beyond thrilled with how it turned out. To see other versions of this quilt, browse the hashtag on Instagram: #fatquartersnowballsquilt

Quilt Pattern: Kaleidoscope Quilt

I'm so excited to share a new quilt pattern with you today! A few months ago, I was inspired by Painted Garden by Crystal Manning for Moda Fabrics .  The line was just coming out and as soon as I saw it, I knew I needed to create a quilt pattern with it.  I sat  down and started working on ideas that were floating around in my head and I came up with an amazing quilt pattern. I so proud to share it with you!  You can buy this pattern here . I worked hard to make this pattern easy to follow.  I walk you through block construction with step-by-step photos.  It works up quickly because it is composed of 16 large blocks.  I really think you'll enjoy making it! I'd love to see your versions of this pattern!  Tag me on Instagram @skeinandhook and use the hashtags- #skeinandhookpatterns, #kaleidoscopequilt, #skeinandhook You can go to my Etsy shop to get a copy of the pattern !  I can't wait to see what you make...

Moda Bake Shop Free Tutorial: Festive Quilt

Today I'm back in the Moda Bake Shop with the tutorial for my  Festive Quilt ! As soon as we caught glimpses of Vintage Holiday last year, I started dreaming up quilt patterns using it. I came up with this design.  I love how the Ohio Stars twinkle!  I designed the border to look like little Christmas tree! But guess what?! This quilt design also looks amazing as a non-holiday quilt too!  Make sure you scroll all the way down to the bottom of my Moda Bake Shop post to see it mocked up in Painted Garden by Crystal Manning!  I'm making that version soon ;) Head on over to  Moda Bake Shop  to get the free tutorial!  Remember, I'd love to see your versions of Festive! Tag me on Instagram  @skeinandhook  and tag your project as #festivequilt or send me an email!  Enjoy the pattern!

Moda Bake Shop Free Tutorial: Sweet Diamonds Baby Quilt

Last week I was back in the  Moda Bake Shop  with a new tutorial for my Sweet Diamonds Baby Quilt ! I had so much fun designing this quilt!  I love making baby quilts and this one was no different.  For this quilt I used Home Sweet Home by Stacy Iest Hsu.  This line is so adorable! In my post, I give fabric requirements for making one baby quilt, two at a time baby quilts, three at a time baby quilts, and a larger throw size!  This pattern works up in no time and is so fun to make.  I'm definitely planning on making the larger throw size soon! Head on over to  Moda Bake Shop  to get the free tutorial!  Remember, I'd love to see your versions of Sweet Diamonds! Tag me on Instagram  @skeinandhook  and tag your project as #sweetdiamondsquilt or send me an email!  Enjoy the pattern!