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Showing posts from July, 2018

Moda Bake Shop: Oda May Summer Camp QAL

I am taking part in something so fun this summer and I'm really excited about it!  I hope you will join in on the fun! Some of the Moda Bake Shop chefs have come together and designed a really amazing quilt along.  The quilt along is a mystery quilt along and we are calling it a Choose Your Own Adventure quilt.  We are making a medallion quilt and every week during the quilt along we will release two patterns and you get to pick the one you like the best to make in your own quilt!  How fun is that?! Join our Facebook group: Moda Bake Shop Bakers to chat with other members and get inspired.  Also, on Instagram, tag all of you posts #chooseyourownadventureqal #campodamay #mbsqal I am going to be editing this post as we go so that you can find all of the posts that are associated with the quilt along.  Here's the list: Intro Post: Oda May's Summer Camp Fabric Requirements Sunday Social: Choose Your Own Adventure Round 1- Pat...

New Quilt Pattern: Fanlight Quilt

I'm so excited to share a new quilt pattern with you today!  I designed a new quilt pattern especially to showcase the line Feed Sacks: True Blue by Linzee Kull McCray for Moda Fabrics.  I loved this line so much and I really wanted to showcase the beautiful fabrics with larger squares so they really shined.   What first drew me to this line is the tag line for it.  It reads, " Imagine growing your own vegetables and canning them, cleaning and cooking without modern appliances, and sewing clothes for your seven children. Feed Sacks: True Blue pays homage to the women who did all that and still took the time to stitch rickrack on a dishtowel, embroider a sweet bunny on the bodice of a babyā€™s romper, and use up every last scrap to create a quilt of warmth and beauty."  It really inspires me šŸ’™šŸ’™šŸ’™ I do think this pattern would look beautiful with any fabric!  I want to make a few more in different lines.  It is especially great to showcase ...